Healthy Pumpkin Oatmeal Cupcakes

healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcakes

Healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcakes!  These little guys are soft and chewy and perfect for an on the go breakfast!  Make a batch at the beginning of the week and you have a simple and healthy breakfast or snack the whole week.


I am an #allthingspumpkin kind of girl!  But I like as much real {real as in out of a can lol} pumpkin ingredients over the artificially flavored stuff!  I especially love pumpkin baked goods – all year round!  These healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcakes are pretty simple to make and put together!  The ingredient list is short {yay!} and the clean up is minimal.  You only need one bowl to mix everything up in {another win!}.

healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcake batterThere are lots of different ways to change these healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcakes up too with different add-ins you can use.  I personally had some mini chocolate chips on hand so I used those.  But some other ideas would be raisins, craisins, walnuts or maybe some shredded coconut!

SO take my advice and try these bad boys out!!  Another perk – pumpkin is a superfood!!  It counts as a veggie!!  There are actual health benefits specifically linked to ORANGE veggies!! So this is another way to get some more vitamin A and fiber into your day too!

Healthy Pumpkin Oatmeal Cupcakes

This healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcake recipe will make about 12 cupcakes/muffins!  You can keep a couple out and put the rest in the freezer to use throughout the week.

healthy pumpkin oatmeal cupcake recipe

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!!  If you try out this recipe please let me know how you liked them!


Also – a side note!  I have used blogs off and on over the past 10  years and love being able to have an outlet to share my journey with the world!!  Whether its a recipe that I love, or a new haircare line that I discovered, it gives me so much joy to document my thoughts and ideas so that I can go back years from now and see what I was up to before! lol.  I also love following other blogs – so please be sure and leave your blog url in the comments too so I can follow your journey!

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